New USA-Made Commercial ZEFNET Charger: The ZEFNET Pro!

23kW ZEFNET Pro chargers at Dairyland Power, WI

23kW ZEFNET Pro chargers at Dairyland Power, WI

ZEF Energy’s new ZEFNET Pro charger is the most rugged and flexible Level 2 dualhead pedestal charger in the market. Its technical features and architectural design fills a gap in the hardware market that is ideal for a wide variety of applications. Standing at 7’-0”, the enclosure is sleek, secure, and scratch resistant and offers LED indicators at the top of the charger to signal availability from a distance.

The ZEFNET Pro can be purchased with a variety of payment and access hardware options, to allow our customers to choose the product and price point that best suits their needs. These options include app payment/access only, credit card and RFID swipe, or RFID tap only. The entire front and back of the charger are available for branding offering a full white-labeling experience for our partners. The charger is also built to offer a number of technical elements that maximize installation flexibility and ease.

Check out these videos to learn more about the features and benefits of the new ZEFNET Pro, and how simple it is to use. For additional information, contact us at to talk about your project.

Video 1 | Easy To Use Charger

This video shows how easy the ZEFNET Pro is to use for commercial charging applications.

Video 2 | ZEFNET Pro Product Details

Smart Level 2 electric vehicle charger for commercial applications. From ZEF Energy